ADI公司的ADAU1850是具有三个输入和一个输出的集成了数字信号处理器的编译码器(CODEC).从模拟输入到DSP核到模拟输出的通路经过优化,具有低等待时间,非常适合于降噪音耳机使用.只需要增加少许无源元件, ADAU1850提供了完整的耳机解决方案. ADAU1850具有可编程的FastDSP音频处理引擎,高达768kHz取样速率,具有Biquad滤波器,限幅器,音量控制和混合等功能,低等待时间的24位ADC和DAC,106dB SNR(信号通过ADC和A加权滤波器),串口取样速率从8kHz到768kHz,模拟到模拟群时延为5 μs,可编程双精度MAC引擎用于13级均衡器,3个模拟输入(2个差分和一个单端),可配置成麦克风或线输入.模拟差分风音频输出,可配置成线路输出或耳机驱动器,PLL支持30 kHz到27 MHz的任何输入时钟,1路ASRCI,三路ASRCO,串行音频端口支持I2S,左对齐,或高达16路TDM (TDM16),具有灵活路经的两个插值器和4个抽取器.模拟AVDD电源电压为1.8V.数字I/O IOVDD电压为1.8V到3.3V.通信接口为I2C,SPI和UART.采用28点0.4mm间隔2.957 mm × 1.757 mm WLCSP封装.主要用在降噪手机和耳机,蓝牙有源降噪(ANC)手机和耳机,PND,数字照相机和摄影机,乐器效果处理器,多媒体扬声器系统和智能手机.本文介绍了ADAU1850主要特性,功能框图和模拟性能指标,以及评估板EVALADAU1850EBZ主要特性,框图,电路图和材料清单.
The ADAU1850 is a codec with three inputs and one output thatincorporates one digital signal processor. The path from the analoginput to the DSP core to the analog output is optimized for low latencyand is ideal for noise canceling earphones. With the additionof a few passive components, the ADAU1850 provides a completeheadset solution.
The ADAU1850 is provided in a small, 28-ball, 2.957 mm × 1.757mm wafer level chip scale package (WLCSP).
► Programmable FastDSP audio processing engine
► Up to 768 kHz sample rate
► Biquad filters, limiters, volume controls, mixing
► Low latency, 24-bit ADCs and DAC
► 106 dB SNR (signal through ADC with A-weighted filter)
► 110 dB combined SNR (signal through DAC and headphonewith A-weighted filter)
► Serial port sample rates from 8 kHz to 768 kHz
► 5 μs analog-to-analog group delay
► Programmable, double precision MAC engine for 13-stageequalizer
► 3 analog inputs (2 differential and 1 single-ended), configurableas microphone or line inputs
► Analog differential audio output, configurable as either line outputor headphone driver
► PLL supporting any input clock rate from 30 kHz to 27 MHz
► 1-channel ASRCI, 3-channel ASRCO
► Serial audio ports supporting I2S, left justified, or up to 16-channelTDM (TDM16)
► 2 interpolators and 4 decimators with flexible routing
► Power supplies
► Analog AVDD at 1.8 V
► Digital I/O IOVDD at 1.8 V to 3.3 V
► Headphone HPVDD at 1.8 V
► Headphone HPVDD_L at 1.2 V to1.8 V
► Control/communication interfaces
► I2C, SPI, or UART
► 28-ball, 0.4 mm pitch, 2.957 mm × 1.757 mm WLCSP
► Noise canceling handsets, headsets, and headphones
► Bluetooth active noise canceling (ANC) handsets, headsets, andheadphones
► Personal navigation devices
► Digital still and video cameras
► Musical instrument effect processors
► Multimedia speaker systems
► Smartphones


Evaluating the ADAU1850 Three ADCs, One DAC, Low Power Codec with Audio/Fast DSP
This user guide explains the design and setup of the EVALADAU1850EBZevaluation board.
This evaluation board provides access to all analog and digitalinputs/outputs on the ADAU1850. The ADAU1850 core is controlledby Analog Devices, Inc., Lark Studio™ software, which interfacesto the EVAL-ADAU1850EBZ via a USB connection. The softwaredevelopment kit (SDK) is also provided by Analog Devices for codedevelopment.
The EVAL-ADAU1850EBZ can be powered by the USB bus or bya single 3.8 V to 5 V supply. These supply options are regulatedto the voltages required on the EVAL-ADAU1850EBZ. The printedcircuit board (PCB) is a 4-layer design, with a ground plane anda power plane on the inner layers. The EVAL-ADAU1850EBZcontains connectors for external microphones and speakers. Themaster clock can be provided externally or by the on-board 24.576MHz oscillator.
► EVAL-ADAU1850EBZ evaluation board
► USB cable with mini USB plug
► ADAU1850 data sheet
► EVAL-ADAU1850EBZ user guide



