TI公司的TPA3128D2是低功耗2x30W D类数字放大器,具有立体声效果,PBTL模式能驱动高达60 W/ 2 Ω的扬声器,工作电压4.5 V 到26 V,效率高达90%,不需要散热片,主要用在蓝牙/无线扬声器,条形音响,LCD/LED TV,家庭影院等.本文介绍了TPA3128D2主要特性,功能框图,应用电路,以及评估模块TPA3128D2 EVM主要指标,应用连接图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The TPA3128D2 devices are stereo efficient, digitalamplifier power stage for driving speakers up to 60 W/ 2 Ω in PBTL mode. The TPA3128D2 has low idlepower loss and helps to extend the battery life ofBluetooth/Wireless speakers and other batterypowered audio systems. The high efficiency of theTPA3128D2 device allows it to do 2×30 W withoutexternal heat sink on a dual layer PCB. This deviceproposed an efficiency boost Mode, which candynamically reduced the current ripple of the externalLC filter and the idle current.
The TPA3128D2 advanced oscillator/PLL circuitemploys a multiple switching frequency option toavoid AM interferences, which is achieved togetherwith an option of either master or slave option,making it possible to synchronize multiple devices.
The TPA3128D2 devices are fully protected againstfaults with short-circuit protection and thermalprotection as well as overvoltage, undervoltage, andDC protection. Faults are reported back to theprocessor to prevent devices from being damagedduring overload conditions.
• Supports Multiple Output Configurations
– 2×30W Into a 8-Ω BTL Load at 24 V(TPA3128D2)
• Wide Voltage Range: 4.5 V to 26 V
• Efficient Class-D Operation
– Very Low Idle Current: <23 mA forrecommended LC filter configurations
– Greater than 90% Power Efficiency CombinedWith Low Idle Loss Greatly Eliminates Needfor Heat Sink
– Adaptive Modulation Schemes based onOutput Power
– Smart Amplifier Drivers to Reduce theRequirement for RC Snubbers
• Multiple Switching Frequencies
– AM Avoidance
– Master and Slave Synchronization
– 300-KHz to 1.2-MHz Switching Frequency
• Feedback Power-Stage Architecture With HighPSRR Reduces PSU Requirements
• Programmable Power Limit
• Parallel BTL Mode and Mono-Channel ModeSupport
• Supports Both Single and Dual Power SupplyModes
• Integrated Self-Protection Circuits IncludingOvervoltage, Undervoltage, Overtemperature, DCDetect,and Short Circuit With Error Reporting
• Thermally Enhanced Packages
– DAP (32-Pin HTSSOP Pad Down forTPA3128D2)
• Bluetooth/Wireless Speakers
• Soundbars
• Mini-Micro Component, Docks
• Home Theaters


图2. TPA3128D2简化应用电路图

图3. TPA3128D2电路图
评估模块TPA3128D2 EVM
The TPA3128D2 EVM customer evaluation module demonstrates the TPA3128D2 integrated circuit fromTexas Instruments (TI). The TPA3128D2 is a 30-W (per channel), efficient stereo digital amplifier powerstage for driving 2 bridge-tied speakers or a single parallel bridge-tied load. This document covers EVMspecifications and design documentation.

图4.评估模块TPA3128D2 EVM外形图
评估模块TPA3128D2 EVM主要指标:

图5.评估模块TPA3128D2 EVM连接示意图

图6.评估模块TPA3128D2 EVM电路图

图7.评估模块TPA3128D2 EVM PCB顶层设计图

图8.评估模块TPA3128D2 EVM PCB底层设计图